
Hertfordshire Junior Badminton Association

Ashaway - sponsors of HJBA

Last Updated: 23rd April 2024



A fund has been set up by Hertfordshire Badminton Association in memory of national coach Ray Learney and his contribution to the development of badminton. Hundreds of juniors, very many adults and most coaches in Hertfordshire have been encouraged, inspired and had their badminton skills developed by Ray. As Ray was particularly keen to help youngsters become involved in badminton coaching, the fund will be used to subsidise young people to go on coaching courses.

Applications for a grant towards the cost of attending a coaching course should be made, using the form which can be downloaded HERE, to Colin Walker, HBA Treasurer at 9, Valley Close, Hertford, Herts, SG13 8BD (or via e-mail to colin.walker4@ntlworld.com stating the reasons for the application.

Funds are limited and preference will be given to young people living in Hertfordshire and surrounding counties who have difficulty in paying the full coaching fee and who have exhausted other possible funding avenues such as: your Local Authority Sports Development Officer or, if you are planning to help out at a school, your local Partnership Development Manager. For contact details of these and other possibilities, please contact Badminton Herts Development Co-ordinator, Dave Bartlett via email to davebartlett11@outlook.com.

All applications will be handled in strict confidence.

Contact us | Kevin Maughan, Secretary Tel: 01438 712944 | e-mail: admin@hjba.org.uk | Facebook: HJBAbadminton

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