
Hertfordshire Junior Badminton Association

Ashaway - sponsors of HJBA

Last Updated: 23rd April 2024

U13 County Squad

U13 Squad 2023/2024

U13 Squad 2023/2024


  • VENUE: Hall 3, Herts Sports Village, University of Hertfordshire.
  • DAY AND TIME: Wednesdays 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Term time only.

Development Squad

The aim is to take on players from the age of eight if they have talent, or otherwise from the age of nine. We expect our players to have experienced badminton and should be able to serve and rally. BEGINNERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.


We help you to develop your game and provide a structured programme delivering skill, footwork, fitness, and agility. The sessions tend to be fairly intense but we also have a lot of fun. A few matches will be played against other counties, and players are picked according to their ability. We expect all our players to enter the HJBA tournaments that are held in the Stevenage Leisure Centre (click here for forms).

There are Under-11 Badminton England tournaments held in different counties. We would like our players to have entered at least three in the season. Click here to go to the BE Junior Competition page.

Coaches and Contacts

All coaches are Badminton England registered and CRB checked.

Contact us | Kevin Maughan, Secretary Tel: 01438 712944 | e-mail: admin@hjba.org.uk | Facebook: HJBAbadminton

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